Saturday, August 6, 2022

Going nowhere fast

I really like this song.  The movie, "Streets on Fire," had an incredible cast of rising actors when it came out in 1984.  And yet, almost no has heard of the movie.  It bombed at the box office, and was never heard of again.  Almost.  A producer I worked with at Unreel Productions loved the movie, and we used "Nowhere Fast," and scenes from the movie, in some Vision Street Wear fashion videos that played at trade shows, in 1988-89.  In my job as The Dub Guy at Unreel, I made many copies of those videos, which meant I heard this song over and over.  I became a fan of this song.  Personally, I think this movie was just ten years too late.  In 1975, it might have been a great movie.  In 1984, New Wave was dying, metal and hair bands were rising, and nobody really wanted to watch a 1950's movie.  It's actually a decent movie, if you want something old school to watch between your Netflix and Prime binges.  

What does this have to do with me?  As I said in a previous post, I'm taking a break from doing my Sharpie Scribble Style drawings for a while.  Not forever, I still love doing them.  But for 6 1/2 years now, I've been going nowhere fast, trying to earn decent money with this form of art.  I've become much better at it, and it helped me scrape by for a period when I couldn't get much else going in my life.  

I sincerely appreciate everyone who bought a drawing, or gave me some props for one drawing or another on social media.  But, it just takes too damn long to draw these pictures to earn enough money to get my life going again.  Why don't I get a "real job?"  After not being able to find any job while I was in North Carolina, I literally have no work history now.  I was doing some kind of creative work pretty much the whole time, but my resume' is pretty much blank as "real" work goes now.  And I'm really fat and old.  Those pretty much keep me from a good enough paying job to turn things around.  

Because of these factors, I've been trying to create my own job.  I had no idea if anyone would buy a single one of my drawings when I started trying to sell them in late 2015.  I've managed to become a "working artist" since, selling around 100 originals, but a homeless working artist.  I now have one or more drawings on 6 of the 7 continents, so when I get going again, I need to get my work to Antarctica and on the International Space Station, so I can truly call myself "global."  But those are goals for the future.

For the time being, I'm going to focus on some other forms of creative work for a while, and try to finally jumpstart my financial life.  I just need to make a basic living again, get a stable place to live, and all that basic stuff.  We're at a really weird time in the world economically, socially, and technologically, and I see a ton of opportunities in the coming months and years.  I want to take advantage of some of those, if I can.  

For those of you who bought one of more of my drawings, I'm standing by my guarantee that all my drawings will sell for at least double what you paid for them, by the year 2343, or one day after the Apocalypse, whichever comes first.  

Early this morning I destroyed a couple of my unsold drawings, tossed (literally) all the Grey Trash alien drawings, and threw away all my Sharpies and  art supplies.  It's not that I didn't want the stuff around, I just got sick of having to carry it all everywhere I go.  That's part of the whole homeless logistics thing that most people would never understand.    There will be more #sharpiescribblestyle drawings, someday, I already have the next one lined up.  I'm just not doing any more four at least a couple of months, maybe longer.  We'll see how my other ideas go.  I'll keep you updated on this blog.  

If you want to check my drawings out, here are most of the ones I took photos of, on my Sharpie Scribble Style Pinterest page.

Harley Quinn/Joker/Tainted Love drawing.  This was my personal favorite, one I did for myself.  Unfortunately I had to sell it, to get a motel room for a night, after a week in the hospital for an allergic reaction to a drug they gave me.  Shit happens...  #sharpiescribblestyle

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