"If men could get pregnant, abortions would be available at Jiffy Lube."
- Betty White
Roe V. Wade has been overturned. Now we watch as millions of women, and plenty of men, take to the streets.
I'm a middle aged, fat, ugly homeless guy who never has sex. So it would be easy to think I have no dog in this fight. But as a homeless guy, I'm already often treated like a second class citizen, and the intentional attack on civil liberties in the U.S. by the "Conservative Right" affects me, and everyone else. Just for the record, they're neither "conservative" or right, but that's another argument. What exactly do they conserve? Not tax dollars, not the environment, not natural resources, and definitely not the Constitution these days.
Anyhow, here are a few things to keep in mind now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned:
One- This decision by the Supreme Court of the U.S. is broadly unpopular. In a recent May CNN poll, 66% of of people asked did not want Roe completely overturned.
Two- Because of the unusual circumstances of how justices Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett were appointed ot the court, they could legitimately be impeached, and forced to leave the court. it's highly unlikely, but it is possible.
Three- There is nothing in the Constitution that says the U.S. Supreme Court has to have 9 justices. President Biden and Congress could expand the court to- say- 15 justices, allowing President Biden to appoint six new justices. Again, it's very unlikely, but it is possible, and it is completely legal.
Four- The number of times the "abortion" is mentioned in the Constitution is zero. The number of times "abortion" is mentioned by Jesus in the Bible is also zero. I've read the New Testament multiple times, Jesus didn't mention abortion. In fact, the Bible mentions fetuses in a handful of verses, but it's silent on abortion itself. See this essay for more depth on that.
Five- There are 9 Supreme Court Justices, 535 Senators and Congresspeople, and 167,500,000 women in the United States. If a large enough group of women, and men who support them, raise a ruckus (legally, of course), this decision can be overturned, overruled, or otherwise nullified. Not overnight, but it definitely can happen.
I hope this little post was helpful. If you're up to fight this decision, here's a video of the late Great Dissenter, The Notorious RBG, to remind you what one woman accomplished in her life in the legal world.
My Sharpie scribble style drawing of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, The Notorious RBG, one of the 20th and 21st centuries biggest fighter for women's rights.
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