Thursday, June 2, 2022

Let's go create some shit...

 First of all, Steve Emig's Street Life, this blog, and other social media using the hashtag #SEstreetlife, has no relation to the bike company SE Bikes.  Todd Lyons is an old friend from the P.O.W. BMX House days, and I'm not trying to bite on his success, wheelies, and the company he works for, SE Bikes.  He's rocking the world with big bikes and selling a ton of them.  More power to him.  "S.E." are my initials, and the hashtag and blog URL made sense.  If I was Johnny Depp, this would be #JDstreetlife, if I was Travis Pastrana it'd be #TPstreetlife.  My initials just happen to be S.E..  

That said, I'm working on rebuilding my life from the streets up, with this blog, photos, my #sharpiescribbltstyle art, and hopefully some actual books and videos, one of these days.  The economy is nuts, things went to hell in early 2020, so The Fed tossed money everywhere a massive bailout to everyone.  Now we're paying for all that "helicopter money" in high inflation and a soon to be gnarly recession.  Some people are doing really well these days, but 60% to 70% of the U.S. is struggling.  

Millions of people need to build a new life in this rapidly changing world, from the bottom up.  That's what this blog is about.  Creating something new.  Art, photos, videos, websites, zines, books, products, businesses, side gigs, an new lifestyle, whatever.  We have all these electronic devices, the internet, social media, and communications and business platforms that never existed in human history, until the last 25 years.  Let's build something cool, since our leaders keep acting like a bunch of 4th graders, arguing over everything and not getting anything done at a national level.  We need to build cool new stuff, at all levels, in all directions, from the streets up.  Let's go create some shit!

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