The legendary BMX jumping spot now known as Sheep Hills was first built in late 1990, by Hippy Jay and Hippy Sean, as most people called them at the time. They started building jumps in this little, hidden meadow in sketchy oil land jungle between Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa. You had to walk your bike down a tiny rabbit trail, after crossing the creek, which had water in it then, to get there at first.
Now, 32 years later, the area is officially Talbert Regional Park, there are Jeep trails all over, and you're just as likely to see a Yuppie riding a and overpriced mountain bike with no scratches on it, or pushing an offroad stroller through the area, as seeing a BMXer huck a big 360. Most jumping trails get plowed within a couple of years, since they're almost always built on someone else's land. But Sheep Hills, first ridden by the S&M Bikes posse from the P.O. W. (Pro's of Westminster) House, and then the young bucks of the mid-1990's, who became the original Sheep Hills Locals (SHL), is still being actively ridden three decades after that first shovel of dirt was dug.
Despite producing most of the best dirt jumpers of the 1990's, Sheep Hills rarely got much footage in videos. In 1997, I bought a new Sony Digital8 video camera, and took it to San Diego Zoo to shoot a bunch of footage of animals, to get used to it. Soon after, I started wandering down to Sheep Hills once in a while to shoot some footage. The best of that footage wound up in a video I edited and produced in 2001, called Animals. Times were sketchy, and I only sold about 10 copies of the video. But it had some good, solid footage of that era of Sheep Hills, from 1997-2001. I lost the original master tape, and raw footage in 2008, in a move, and thought it was lost.
A few months ago, the video popped up on BMX Movie Database (thanks BMXDB guys!), and you can watch it at this link below. Below the link are the clips that have Sheep Hills footage or riders, if you want to check it out.
Sheep Hills footage/riders (1997-2001)
Intro- 1:08- The English Channel jump and Shaun Butler watching.
3:53- Emmett Crooms
5:48- Lucas Borgio (Borzio?)
12:04- Midget Cory Walters
12:38- Shaun Butler
24:10 - Brian Foster (not at Sheep)
26:11- Cory Nastazio
28:12- Sheep Hills segment
I was going to add the Team Soil video to this, but a bunch of other stuff came up. So here's some more Sheep Hills video footage from different years/eras. Enjoy!
Team Soil video- Produced/edited by Barspinner Ryan Brennan- 1995?
Todd Lyons JNCO commercial- 1998? 99?
Cory Nastazio JNCO commercial- 1998? 99?
Boozer Jam 2013- Alli sports edit - 2013
Boozer Jam 2014- Pro Skater/rapper Chris Gentry's music video- 2014
SE Bikes/Todd Lyons - Fat Ripper promo- 2016
Mike "Hucker" Clark at Sheep Hills- Ride BMX edit - 2017
Jesse Gregory/The Wiggins YouTube Channel- March 2022
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