Saturday, May 14, 2022

Meltdown: I told you there was going to be a recession worse than 2008, this appears to be the REAL recession beginning now...

What's a good visual metaphor for a massive economic collapse?  The world's biggest witnessed glacier calving fills the bills, in my opinion.  This is pretty crazy to watch, particularly when they show you the scale of it at the end.

I'm a homeless guy who is also an amateur futurist and economics geek.  I have been predicting another Great Recession, and possibly a great depression, for over four years now.  Initially, I thought it would start in 2018 or 2019, so I was ahead of the curve, timewise, and off on the timing.  The longer it took to happen, the more I have become convinced that this will at least feel like a great depression, and maybe meet the textbook definition of an official great depression (3-5 year economic contraction).  Here are a few of my blog posts about this economic downturn I saw coming, why I saw it coming, and why I think this 2022 recessionary wave, will last much longer than the 2020 downturn.  It won't be as deep, but this will last much longer, and will be catastrophic for many people and businesses.  

The economy for 2022- March 22, 2022 "The Dow Jones Industrial Average: below 27,000 in 2022" 

Here's how it's gonna go down- October 19, 2020- I thought the second wave of recession in the 2020's would happen a lot sooner...

The economic collapse of our lifetimes... October 1, 2019- "This economic downturn will be much more than an economic recession."

A beginner's guide is the next great recession- August 9, 2019- "So that's why I'm predicting an economic collapse in excess of what we saw in 2008, and a 5-6-7 or more year hangover of little or no growth..."

Our economy is powered by unicorn farts- March 21, 2019- "At this point, I believe our economy is about as stable as a house of cards, resting on egg shells, sitting on the back of a unicorn, standing on stilts."  

Larry Kudlow's wishful thinking- January 2, 2018- "We may even see the markets go up, as most of the country slides into recession in the next few months."  This interview with Larry Kudlow happened a few days after President Trump signed the tax reform bill into law, which was a windfall for major corporations.  OK, so I was way ahead of the curve on the recession starting.  The stock markets went up a lot since then.  For the record, though, the Dow Jones Industrial Average peaked on January 26, 2018, less than a month after this, and stayed pretty much level for about 19 months.  The stock market did not surge to Dow 35,000 then, like many business people, and most Republicans, expected.  The Dow did not rise above that January 26, 2018 mark, until October 2019.  The market began going up again then because The Fed started throwing huge amounts of money into the economy, basically handing it to Wall Street, in response to the Repo Market Crisis.   

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