Feel like you're going around in circles trying to pay bills, like the Ferris wheel I'm running above? Yeah, we've all been there. With the recession building as we head into fall, here are a bunch of ideas to help you put some money in your pocket, legally, this week. No illegal stuff like selling crack, putting granny out on the corner to turn tricks, or stealing a small airplane to start your own airline. Strictly legit ideas that could put some cash in your pocket, or account by the end of this week. If you're in a bind, hopefully you'll find one or more that will work for you.
Yes, you know many of these already. But most people have 3 or 4 go to ways to scrape up some extra money. By making a bigger list, maybe I can expand your thinking, and help you find an idea you haven't thought of, to get you through a tight spot.
(One) Have a garage, yard, or inside sale. I know, this falls in the "Duh!" column. But a lot of people still don't do it. Everyone has junk they don't use laying around, many items of which could be sold quickly, and put cash in your wallet. Garage and yard sales are pretty self explanatory, and an "inside sale" is for people living in apartments. This works best if there's no gate to your complex, and putting a big "SALE" sign on your car, parked in front of your unit, tells people where to go. Have friends help, to keep an eye on everyone. I've done this a few times, while Back east, and we didn't have any problems, and usually made $100 to $200, or more, without much work.
(Two) Take a bunch of your stuff to a swap meet or flea market. Basically this is a garage sale on location where lots more people will see what you're selling, and by extension, by more of it. There's probably one in your area. What's the difference between a flea market and a sawp meet? In my experience, somewhere around the east side of the Rocky Mountains, flea markets start getting called swap meets. Same thing, different location.
(Three) Take your vehicle, drive around and pick up free stuff, then sell it. Where do you find free stuff? Check out the stuff sitting on curbs, by dumpsters, or from the "Free" section on Craigslist, and then sell that stuff at a garage sale, yard sale, swap meet, or flea market.
(Four) Sell something on Craigslist
(Five) Sell something on LetGo
(Six) Sell Something on Facebook Marketplace
(Seven) Sell something on Ebay
(Eight) Sell something on PoshMark
(Nine) Sell something on OfferUp
(Ten) Sell something on NextDoor
(Eleven) Sell something on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, or other social media
For all of these online personal sales, use common sense. Meet the buyer in a public place, take a friend with you, preferably a big, burly looking one, and don't try to scam anyone. If you don't know how to use any of these websites or apps, check on YouTube, or google it for a how-to to help you figure it out.
(Twelve) Sell Stocks you own and cash out
(Thirteen) Sell crypto you own and cash out
(Fourteen) Start doing work on Fiverr
(Fifteen) Start doing work on Mechanical Turk
(Sixteen) Set up on Etsy and sell art, crafts, or vintage stuff
(Seventeen) Start working at a food delivery side gig, like Postmates, Grub Hub, or Uber Eats.
(Eighteen) Start a people delivery side gig like Uber, Lyft, or even driving a taxi, like I used to (they're still around). You need a car, for the most part. In some cases you can rent one to do these jobs. Make sure you'll earn enough to make it worthwhile, if you really want to try that.
(Nineteen) Sell your children to a slave trader (Just kidding, I just wanted to see if you're really paying attention and actually reading this list. Really, I mean it, I'm just kidding. Most of your kids wouldn't get you much money, anyhow).
(Twenty) Cash in a life insurance policy. This is a pretty extreme step, as is the next one. So only do these if you're in a really serious bind.
(Twenty-one) Become a stripper. OK, I'm joking again. Mostly. But their ads do say, "Cash Paid Daily," which is the same thing taxi driver ads used to say back in the day.
So there are 20 actual ways to put some cash in your pocket, wallet, purse, bra, or G-string by the end of this week. And one idea just to make you laugh. I hope this list expanded your thinking, and maybe even helped you get through a tough time. That's the point.
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